Nigeria75: What will your Legacy be?
Nigeria75 convenes a diverse group of leaders, aged 18-25, from across Nigeria to address the question: “What will the legacy of our generation be?” Because after all, you are the generation who will shape Nigeria when it reaches 75.
Why take part?
Nigeria75 is your opportunity to come together as a generation and think through what your generation’s legacy will be. As part of a highly diverse group of peers, you will tackle real social challenges facing Nigeria; and develop Cultural Intelligence in the process; the ability to cross divides and thrive in multiple cultures.
What is the application process?
The application process for Nigeria75 involves answering one question which reflects your passion for leadership and your country.
What happens on Nigeria75?
You’ll join a group of 100 young people in Nigeria to tackle a pressing challenge your country’s faces.
This year’s challenge is:
How do we ensure that by 2035 Nigeria is a country where all young people are meaningfully included in the economy?
You’ll go out into communities/come together online to investigate issues, collaborate, hold difficult conversations and work up ideas. You’ll test, refine and either implement your ideas or present them to leaders in city/country.
Nigeria75 is intergenerational, giving you the opportunity to work with 20-30 established leaders from across country, who act as group advisors, speakers and immersion hosts. The established leaders benefit from seeing the world through your eyes – the next generation.
To Apply, Click Here Now!!!
Deadline: 30th October 2020
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