Degree Holders: 5 Reasons Why They are Poor
Do you have a poor graduate or degree holder in your midst? I’m sure you have, because they’re all over the place.
Your degrees are intended to assist you in gaining the experience and expertise needed to realize your dreams; they are not your final destination.
Many graduates with degrees are stuck in poverty, looking for work that does not exist, while those with a keen eye for opportunities have reached the zenith of success.
The painful reality is that your degree is not the cure for poverty; the cure for poverty is your ability to recognize and capitalize on opportunities.
Here are 5 Reasons why Degree Holders are Poor:
1. They Don’t Think Beyond Their Degree
One of the main reasons why most degree holder are poor is that they cannot see or think beyond their degrees.
Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.
Albert Einstein
The basic truth of life is that the skills required to be highly sought after and achieve greater success in life are not found within the walls of classrooms. Your degree simply proves that you are teachable; it does not indicate what you are completely capable of doing.
When you look beyond your degrees, you will see that you are full of possibilities.
2. They Value Their Degrees Over Their Gifts and Talents.
Everyone is gifted in some way, but our competitive edge stems from our ability to upskill our talents and use them to benefit humanity. The best way to grow as a person is to pursue your natural talents and interests. Find your gift, nurture it, and sell it. Don’t bury your talent along with your degrees.
3. Degrees Have the Potential to Narrow initiatives.
Degrees can close your mind to new ideas, whereas initiatives can open it. If you are not careful, your degrees can cause you to lose your mind. The goal of education is to keep your mind constantly open to limitless possibilities.
4. Degree Train You to Look for Jobs Rather Than Opportunities.
Degrees prepare graduates for job searches but do not expose them to life-changing opportunities.
Not having a job doesn’t make one poor; but not seeing and taking advantage of opportunities makes one poor.
Jobs may be scarce, but opportunities are not. There will always be opportunities as long as there is a problem to be solved.
5. Degrees Train People to Seek Security and Avoid Taking Risks.
Taking risks and learning from mistakes can help you figure out what works and what doesn’t. Many degree holders are becoming increasingly poor as the skills needed to succeed in the modern world are not taught in institutions.
Future jobs will involve knowledge creation and innovation, and people who are only equipped with classroom skills will be out of place in an ever-changing world.
It is important for graduates in institutions to think broadly, deeply, and creatively. Volunteer and don’t be afraid to venture into fields that aren’t directly related to your field of study.
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