Tips to Help you Become Better at your Job
Excelling at your job should be in the forefront and your major goal.
“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
Paulo Coelho
Here are tips to help you become better at your job;
Learn About the Organisation
Learning about the organisation before joining helps you prepare yourself adequately. However, some organisations take onboarding activities for new staff seriously; they may assign peer-mentors or implore older staff to help new employees adjust in the first few months. Make sure you take your onboarding process seriously. If you still have questions, you can seek help from your supervisors. This will make sure that not too much time is wasted in learning what kind of administrative processes take place in the organisation.
Understand Your Role
Understanding your role is crucial to delivering on the job. It is the first and most important step to being accountable. Understanding your job role is the most important aspect in settling on your new job. It ensures ultimately understanding the task that you are expected to fulfil. Understanding your role is the beginning of knowing what is expected of you. It is this expectation that will drive your learning process. Therefore, it is important to get clarity from your manager on what expectations he or she has from you; then agree on priorities, and timelines to deliver results; as well as seeking continuous feedback; and keeping them posted on your progress.
Build Networks
Build healthy relationships with your managers and supervisors. However, don’t limit your networks to top managers; you should also build relationships with your peers. By building relationships, I mean you should always seize the opportunity to help your colleagues out professionally and not form gossip groups.
Don’t Over commit
At the beginning of a new job, it’s not a good idea to juggle too many things in the name of multi-tasking; no one actually multitasks. We only learn to prioritise tasks; “for we can only do a thing at a time”. If you over commit and under-deliver, it makes you look incapable. You may be coming in with a different mindset from your previous organisation, and things may not work out as planned as in the is different; this is why it’s important to build your adaptability.
Go the extra mile
In the ever-evolving workplace culture, it is not surprising for supervisors to delegate tasks which are not in your job description. Just showing up to work doesn’t count these days; the secret to excelling in today’s workplace is not just busying about but being productive at the end of the day. Employers are in search of individuals who are problem solvers, intuitive, those who make helpful contributions and are capable of working with little or no supervision.
Accepting feedback
Receiving constructive feedback can be difficult, particularly if you perceive it as criticism or if given harshly. However, accepting feedback is a great way to help you reach your goals which will help you succeed. However, if you become defensive or shut down when you receive feedback, you are most likely to miss out on opportunities to improve and excel.
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December 29, 2020 @ 2:16 pm
This is very educative. Thanks for sharing.