Tips for Creating a Healthy and Positive Work Environment
An employee’s motivation to work is heavily influenced by his or her environment. Therefore, creating a positive work environment will yield far better results for your employees and your company.
Here are great tips to create a positive work environment;
1. Keep the Office Clean and Organized
Cleanliness is one of the basic rules of life. Cleanliness matters because dust and bacteria can have a negative impact on your health. Sick building syndrome (SBS) is a phenomenon that causes a variety of illnesses and symptoms. SBS can be the result of chemical or biological contaminants, inadequate ventilation, or electromagnetic radiation, just to name a few. It can affect productivity and increase absenteeism.
2. Consider Lighting Ergonomics
Proper lighting is essential for a healthy work environment. Hence, getting rid of glare and shadows can reduce eye fatigue and headaches. If it’s available, natural light is best. However, if natural light is not an option, a quality lighting setup can help employees perform their tasks effectively and with less stress.
3. Help Employees Be Comfortable
The human body is not designed to spend eight hours a day sitting but, unfortunately, for many people, that’s exactly what happens at work. If you really want to get down to the brass tacks, the truth is that a sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest public health threats of our time. Sitting for extended periods can lead to muscle loss, weight gain, hypertension, osteoporosis, heart disease, erectile dysfunction, depression, back pain, and a host of other maladies.
To mitigate the negative impact of sitting, offer ergonomically correct chairs and functional desks. Also encourage employees to move around to different sitting areas or meeting areas, or even work outside the office. Subsequently, if you have the room, a relaxation space equipped with aromatherapy and essential oils can be invaluable for encouraging a positive mood and promoting relaxation.
4. Encourage Work and Life Balance
Overloading employees with work may produce a temporary spike in productivity but, eventually, stress becomes a big and obvious detriment. It’s important that employees are allotted time to schedule doctor appointments and other important, personal appointments during business hours. Occasional activities outside and inside the office (breaks, social gatherings, happy hours, birthday celebrations, team lunches, etc.) help create camaraderie.
5. Promote Education and Foster Collaboration
For many businesses, employee-related expenses are their largest expenditure. So, it’s wise to take care of that investment. Promote teamwork and create a culture where your employees feel that they can openly give and receive feedback. When everyone knows the goals, they’re much easier to accomplish.
The more you allow your employees to grow, the better the chance the company will also grow. Investing in training and education means well-trained employees who are happier, more productive, and more likely to participate in creating a harmonious work environment.
6. Recognize Hard Work
Hard work and great results deserve to be noticed. Employee recognition has a considerable impact on employee satisfaction and commitment. Just like in any other relationship, accolades can be given in many forms. Sometimes a simple “thank you” goes a long way!
7. Promote Workplace Wellness
Finally, create an environment where wellness is encouraged and facilitated. You can also promote healthy eating habits and establish wellness programs ranging from fitness days to providing reimbursements for gym memberships. The healthier your employees are, the fewer sick days they will have, and the more energy they will have to produce. Workplace wellness benefits the bottom line just as much as it benefits employees.
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Culled from: Global Healing.