How to Deal with Sales Objections Efficiently.
It is important that every sales person learn how to deal with sales objections to effectively close a business deal after delivering a sales pitch.
Sales objections are issues that prospects communicate to salespersons as reasons why they can’t purchase a product or service from them. These sales objections are a clear indication that you have more work to do as a sales person if you want to successfully seal the deal.
Every salesperson will face a sales objection at some point in their career. However, with the right strategy, it is possible to convert sales objection into an opportunity.
Here are five (5) Ways to Deal with Sales Objections:
1. Anticipate them
To successfully deal with sales objections, it is crucial that you first anticipate them. This will require you to compile a list of the various objections you can expect from prospects after pitching your sales to them. Common objections encountered by many sales persons include; customer complaint of high product cost; lack of interest in the product etc. You will be better prepared to handle sales objections if you can anticipate the objections you will likely encounter from prospects even before meeting them.
2. Welcome them
Welcoming objections means allowing prospects voice their concerns without talking over them or shutting them up. However, it is important to note that not all objections are voiced. Sometimes prospects do not speak their objections for a variety of reasons e.g. they may feel the sales person will not understand from their point of view. Nevertheless, a well-trained sales representative will be able to uncover unspoken objections and address them effectively. Prospects’ body languages for instance can reveal their objections if you pay attention to them. When you realize that your clients have unspoken objections, it is critical to bring them to light. You can do this by gently probing them with questions like; am I correct in thinking you are concerned about what I just said?
3. Keep Your Emotions in Check
It is very common to find inexperience or unskilled sales persons turn prospects voiced objections into bad arguments, quarrels or fights. When this happens, the sales person risk losing not only the sale, but also the client and any chance of forming a mutually beneficial long-term partnership. Therefore, irrespective of the prospect’s mood or manner of communication, do your best to remain calm and grounded while keeping the conversation as light and friendly as possible.
4. Affirm them
After the prospect has presented their objections, you must affirm them. Let them know you understand their concerns and want to address them in a friendly manner.
This can be accomplished by reiterating the prospect’s objections; e.g…..I understand that you feel our prizes are high; or by rephrasing them e.g. in other words, you mean our products are too expensive. This will give the client a sense that you see things from their point of view and will spur their interest to listen to what you have to say afterwards.
5. Address them
After gaining an understanding of your prospect’s objections, there are several ways to prove yourself and your product to your client depending on their objections. These include;
- Reinforcing your expertise and carefully explaining the logic behind your products and prices;
- Providing compensating benefits that outweighs the client’s objection.
- Explaining why you are qualified;
- Sharing relevant statistics that buttress the need for your product;
- Sharing testimonials from satisfied clients among others
Once you have successfully addressed sales objections, sealing the deal will be an easy task.
Read also: Essential Tips for Delivering a Successful Sales Pitch.
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