How to Become the Best Version of yourself at work
Everyone desires to be the best version of themselves. In the constantly evolving workplace where competition with self is promoted over the competition with others, you must become better equipped daily. This is the only way you will be happy at work; except you are among those who prefer whiling away time. For most productive individuals, they are often shocked when they get a wind of how fast time passes.
There is no feeling in the world that compares to the feeling of being wanted, valued, and respected by someone. I believe we all want to be treated the same way. But what I’ve discovered is that we must first value ourselves, as well as others, because it is in giving that we receive. To be valued, we must first add value. There are no two ways to do this. Whenever I feel neglected, I check to see if my value tank is running dry. And when it is, I do my best to refill; I will say it is my little litmus test.
Let’s take a look at some concepts that everyone in the workplace should be familiar with. Understanding these concepts and learning how to apply them will set you apart from the crowd.
Resourcefulness and productivity
Being resourceful is essential for all employees. You are resourceful if you can find and use different methods to help you achieve your goals. “Cunny man die, cunny man bury am,” is one of my favorite pidgin proverbs. This is something I frequently tell myself when I am working on a difficult task. Because I put a face to every task, I frequently feel as if they (tasks) laugh at me when I am unable to complete them; thus, I frequently say “cunny man die, cunny man bury am” as a way of telling the task that I must complete you one way or another.
Being resourceful is essential for productivity; being resourceful leads to the discovery of methods and productivity tools that you can use to boost your productivity. My friends always say I look for the easy way out, but the truth is that I am constantly on the lookout for tools, techniques, and methods that will allow me to accomplish more in less time; using productivity tools in whatever field you find yourself ensures that you not only speed up your work rate but also ensure that you have quality outputs. Some of the common productivity tools I use when writing is; Quillbot, Grammarly; for project management software, Asana and ClickUp can be helpful to you and your team.
Performance improvement
Every employee’s goal should be to improve their performance because that is the only way to stay relevant. What methods do you use to improve your performance?
It is critical to take the following steps to improve your work performance;
- Set clear goals and communicate them to your colleagues or anyone to who you could be responsible.
- Define and communicate your performance expectation for each goal.
Goal setting
Goals “are the foundation of an effective performance management process.” To set attainable goals, write your goals clearly and objectively first, then break each goal down into simple tasks. Time is one of the most important factors, so your goals should be time-bound as well. Create a system to help you track your goals, such as a to-do list with apps like ClickUp or the widely used Google calendar.
Feedback is one of the things you must learn to deal with if you want to become a highly efficient and valuable employee. You must learn to accept both positive and negative feedback. Feedback, especially negative feedback, can be difficult to swallow and can be bitter at times, but you must remember that it is only meant to help you make the necessary adjustments. People who accept feedback with grace learn faster and better. Keep this in mind.
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June 4, 2021 @ 1:54 pm
As human being, we need to grow each day to better ourself.