The Woman, Her Strength and Plight
Life is filled with ups and downs. When individuals describe life as simple, I wonder what element of existence they are referring about. Life poses a challenge to the mother right from the birth of a baby; after 9 months of agony, elevated hormones, asking neighbours for food, and sobbing at night, women confront a huge pain during labour. It was a terrifying experience taking my wife to the hospital during her labour.
I’ve never been so terrified. I was fortunate to be able to accompany my wife to the delivery room. I can tell you unequivocally that I started to comprehend the anguish that women experience. Although I can’t claim to feel the pain, the experience was tear-jerking; she pushed in anguish, shrieking, like one tormented, and I watched with tear-filled eyes, wondering what to do. The fact is that all of these pains and fears evaporate the moment you hear the child scream; oh, what joy the scream provides, it is the one time I believe a cry can be comforting even to the mother who was just in severe pain.

That is just the way it is
Life’s challenges come in waves, and you may wonder if it’s just you, but the fact is that many individuals encounter similar difficulties. Some waited in vain, some even waited outside the delivery room without understanding what was going on, and others lost both the child and the wife/mother. You may wonder what kind of world we live in. But that’s just the way life is.
I kept asking myself; if I, who was not carrying the weight of the pregnancy, was feeling overwhelmed by it; how then the person who carries all and more? I didn’t have the backache; or had to sleep on my side for 9 months; I didn’t have any trouble eating my favourite food; I didn’t have any difficulties with my hormones; but I did suffer the mood swings that came with it…and I wasn’t the one pregnant.

Women go through a lot and sometimes we fail to salute the strength they possess; or give them credit for the challenges they bear. Most great men are what they are because of the impact of their mothers. Even as we occupy our capacities as head of the family our God-given role, our strength should be to guide; to lead and not to give corrective slaps. Little wonder the scripture said, “The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'” (Genesis 2:18, NIV); for what is the head without the neck (support)?

My generation has not been fair to you
I’d like to encourage you to teach the boys how to grow, guide and guard their homes as much as you do the girl child.
To all the wonderful women who are building our worlds; the single mothers who are breaking ground to ensure we grow; our mothers who hide their tears and give their all; to those who work day and night to ensure we eat; to those who wipe the shame off their families; and to those who hide their tears, Yours is the genuine sacrifice… I SALUTE YOU.
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June 4, 2021 @ 2:09 pm
Mothers are the designers of life, God bless all the mothers