How Staying Unemployed can Affect Your Mental Health
Staying unemployed has a severe lasting effect on the mental health of people.
The Depressing Effect
It can be frustrating especially when unemployment has lingered for a while. It is overwhelming when you keep getting negative or no feedbacks following job applications. Staying unemployed can create a route to continued stress, unhappiness, and depression. This depression subsequently can create a long-term psychological effect that negatively impacts people’s mental health.
Financial Worry
People who are unemployed and have no other source of income suffer financial worry. The loss of income that results from unemployment can lead to a decline in the standard of living of an unemployed causing reduction in demand and consumption. An unemployed person with no other source of income will be forced to become extra conscious of how they spend their money i.e. if they have the money in the first place to avoid going bankrupt. The thought of going bankrupt causes emotional instability to an unemployed i.e., if they are not already bankrupt.
Reduced Self Esteem
Unemployed people subsequently become liabilities and depend on others to cater to their needs. This in turn results in a big blow to their self-esteem and confidence. They experience a drop in status and tend to feel inferior among other family and friends.
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August 6, 2021 @ 12:39 pm
True indeed