How to Write an Exceptional Resume
Your resume represents you. It is your first contact with the interviewer, therefore, it is highly important that you make conscious effort to write an exceptional resume.
Highlighted below are tips that will help you write an exceptional resume;
1. Review successful examples
Tailor your resume according to industry standards. Review examples of resume templates, likewise templates from those who are more experienced.
2. Include only relevant information
When preparing your resume, only include information that are relevant to the job.
3. Include keywords in the job posting
Employers always want resume that is ATS friendly, because they receive huge numbers of applications. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you write your resume utilizing important keywords in the job posting.
4. Write a custom resume for every job
Every job is unique and so should your resume. Create a fresh resume for every new job. Your resume should be tailored to the requirements of the job.
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