Tips for Effective Emotional Self-care
Emotional self-care can be described as:
“Caring for your emotional needs by identifying and nurturing your feelings, your conscious inner state, and your intellect”.
It’s all too easy these days to get lost in the chaos of hectic life; without realizing that your emotional self-care needs are left on the back burner. Emotional self-care is more than just massages and manipulations; it’s about listening to your thoughts and emotions and respecting them in a way that helps you to step forward and feel comfortable inside.
You will not be able to get through any difficult emotional challenges until you understand how to manage your thoughts and emotions.
They can trigger a roadblock in your mind, resulting in nervous thoughts, the ‘burn-out feeling’ and general restlessness.
Here are 5 emotional self-care tips;
1. Monitor your thoughts
Ever battle mischievous negative feelings that never seem to go away? Well, this is a war that we are all fighting, you are only human. You should track your inner conversation; take note of the kind of thoughts that bounce around your brain, to tend to your emotional wellbeing. When you understand the kind of repetitive thoughts, you will begin to recognize them; and know that your thoughts are not you and that you have the power to let go of your thoughts.
If you find it difficult to let go of these so-called negative thoughts, you can either simplify your thinking or write down the negative thought’s in reverse order; convert your negative thoughts into a constructive affirmation.
2. Find your Zen
I am an avid believer in the power of a positive thinking. If your mindset is right, you can do anything! I find regular meditation helps me find my zen. The best tool to get you in the zone is the Calm App. This brilliant little app will have your heart rate down in seconds and your mind at ease within minutes!
3. Create a ‘me-time’
Creating a ‘Me-time’ will give you that little bit of sanctity, where you can be alone with yourself and start to decompress and purge the negative thoughts that cloud your subconscious. When you’re alone you can think about things without the distraction.
4. Unleash your creativity
Letting your creativity run wild can be a great way to practice emotional self-care, mental health professionals suggests creative activities such as creating art, painting or craft can process feelings, reduce stress, lower anxiety and boost your self-esteem. There’s nothing better than sitting down (or standing) and creating something with your hands and mind; our brains are so cluttered it’s good to care for your brain by purging all your thoughts, feelings and inhibitions onto a canvas.
5. Seek out a support system
Seeking out your support network or an individual to regularly check-in with is a great way to ensure your mind is always in the right mind frame or needs a little re-adjustment. You know those individuals in your life who inspire you? They might be close friends, colleagues or even bosses! You’ll know exactly who these people are because every time you see them you feel re-centred, energized and clearer after talking to them!
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