The Impact of Attitude on Work
Your attitude can have a positive or negative impact on the workplace. Your attitude not only has an impact on your overall performance at work but also plays a major role in the perception that others have of you.
Consciously building and managing a positive attitude endears others to you, makes you credible, enhances your productivity and reduces workplace stress.
In the workplace, your attitude towards your colleagues and boss determine their attitude towards you.
A positive attitude gives credibility whereas a negative attitude creates an atmosphere of distrust.
Having and exhibiting a positive attitude determines your morale, productivity and your ability to work with others.
Your attitude determines the level of success you achieve. It determines how you interpret events in the past as well as how you pursue your future goals.
A positive attitude sees obstacles as opportunities for growth. Employees with positive attitudes see obstacles as challenges meant to be overcome.
A negative attitude only limits your growth because you tend to avoid people and events without taking valuable lessons with you.
A negative attitude says “I will never swallow again because the first time I swallowed I got a bone stuck in my throat,” while the positive attitude says, “I’m going to make sure all the bones are removed before I swallow otherwise I’m going to get a bone in my throat.”
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