How Technology is Impacting Hiring
Getting the best hands to handle specific job roles is always the intention of every organisation and HR Manager. They have to go through filtering vast streams of data to find the best fit. Most of the selection is usually done using gut feeling.
Some Managers have resolved to get the myriad of applications by dividing them into batches just to make sure that they are able to screen every applicant. This process is not just time consuming but not cost effective and the chances you don’t make the wrong decision due to burn out is low.
Here is how technology is impacting hiring;
1. Getting the best talents
Not only will hiring technologies such as JobPrimers save you a lot of time, you’ll also gain access to the best talent. The platform has a lot of talents, including not only individualswho are looking for work, but also those who are currently employed. In addition, skilled workers who are actively looking for jobs tend to register with recruitment agencies because of their efficiency and high placement rates. This gives you the chance to take advantage of the wide network of contacts that a third-party recruiter has.
2. Hiring technologies save money
Multiple factors contribute to a company’s cost per hire, including time to hire, job postings, training and onboarding costs and more. When a position is left unfilled, companies tend to lose money from decreased resources. By cutting out some of the costs associated with candidate sourcing, and testing, employers can significantly lower costs using technology, which ultimately makes their jobs a lot easier.
3. Enhanced Process Design
Most hiring technologies are compact systems that put together all the hiring process and unlike most of the systems JobPrimers is developed using AI, a compact ATS system for sorting resumes based on the requirement for each job role and a testing platform that combines Technical, Aptitude and Personality (TAP) tests.
Using a testing technique that allows applicants to take supervised technical, aptitude, and personality tests from their various locations ensures that employers get the best talent from all over the country and, if desired, from all over the world. This is a departure from the traditional practice of using location as a criterion during the hiring process. The personality test not only helps you understand your prospective hire, but it also helps you understand how they will fit into your team.
4. Hiring technologies reduce HR burden

Because organizations may advertise multiple openings, the hiring process is typically a burden for most HR departments. And this is usually a burden because of the large number of applications received, and searching through the hip of applications shifts the department’s priority. Hiring technologies, as a compact system, relieve the department of the burden and increase the chances of a better hire.
Today’s recruiters require tools to help them successfully compete for talent, with new jobs being created every day and hiring demands steadily rising.
However, if you want to lower your cost-per-hire or have a limited recruiting budget, you’ll need tools that are both effective and gainful.
It has become crucial that employers use efficient hiring tools because the cost of a bad hire is overwhelmingly high.

Below are the secrets to reducing cost-per-hire without sacrificing quality;
1. Leverage already built talent community
If building and maintaining a pipeline of interested, qualified candidates can lower your cost per hire, why not take advantage of a talent community that has already been built and maintained at no additional cost? Isn’t that incredible?
The JobPrimers talent community ensures that you save money by reducing the costs of job advertising and the time spent interviewing unqualified candidates. Reducing the time, it takes to fill a position can also eliminate the need for a temporary replacement, which is a major contributor to high cost per hire and lost productivity.
2. Take advantage of hiring technologies
Hiring technologies like JobPrimers are transforming the hiring process. Social media is widely used by employers to connect with job seekers. However, sifting through thousands of applicants is a difficult and time-consuming task. Even though social media platforms are common and easy to use, relying solely on them to assess competencies can be misleading because your required talent may have all of their skills on social media. As a result, it’s critical to entrust the process to technologies like JobPrimers, which have a pool of pre-screened and qualified candidates.
3. Launch a corporate career site
The use of a corporate career site has been attributed to the majority of successful hires because a career site can advertise your jobs and employment brand throughout the duration of the job opening, allowing you to reach significantly more candidates at a very low cost.
Career sites have been one of the top internal sources of hire, demonstrating their ability to attract quality candidates. JobPrimers integrates with your career site, making it simple for applicants to go through the 7-step recruitment process with the click of a button.
Employers often refer to some hires as bad hires; especially those that didn’t have the right skills, couldn’t adjust and fit into the team and organisation culture, or simply never clicked with the leader. In other words, there was something intrinsically wrong with the person who was hired.

While it may be true that a hire lacked requisite skills, or wasn’t really a personality or behavioural fit, or just didn’t know how to adapt to the style of leadership being offered. Therefore, labelling anyone a ‘bad hire’ may not be completely fair because a decision was made concerning that hire. The dilemma for most stakeholders involved in hiring is who will take the blame? Whether the hiring manger or the new hire bears the blame, the organisation suffers most.
The point here is that hiring managers often point a finger at new hires for not performing forgetting the decision to hire was theirs. It is actually the hiring manager and his/her teams decision to hire someone who didn’t work out.

Bad hires often are made out of desperation, employers have said.

How successful hiring managers avoid bad hiring decisions
Even better than turning a bad hire into a good one is avoiding hiring that bad fit in the first place.
Rather than:

To eliminate bad hiring decisions, employers must reconsider their recruitment practices and make strategic improvements in attracting, selecting, and onboarding talent.
Here are proven tips to help you prevent bad hires
1. Strategic Interviewing
Many employers still do not have a well-thought-out hiring strategy in place. Hiring issues such as inconsistent screening, unconscious bias, and unclear candidate personas quickly arise in the absence of a standard interview protocol, resulting in unsubstantiated and ad hoc hiring decisions. Platforms like JobPrimers have taken the time to carefully design a standardized interview process that provides employers with the necessary guidance and tools to effectively screen and assess candidates.
JobPrimers understands how important it is for employers to have a clear candidate persona and thus assists them in identifying both red flags and green lights to look out for. It accomplishes this by matching employers’ detailed job requirements in terms of each applicant’s skills and personality.
2. Intelligent hiring
The key to successfully lowering the risk of a bad hire is to ensure that you have all of the necessary tools and technology in place to screen, assess, and evaluate candidates. Employers who gain sufficient insight into their candidates are able to make informed decisions and effectively separate required skills from the crowd.
The use of modern recruitment technology, such as JobPrimers, can assist employers in gaining a deeper understanding of all-important candidate requirements and making more informed hiring decisions.
3. Smooth onboarding
When it comes to retaining talent, employee onboarding can make or break the situation. While new hires may arrive with all of their boxes checked, great hires can quickly turn into bad ones if they are not properly onboarded. A smooth transition and making new hires feel welcome and encouraged to be a part of the team are critical to the success of new employees.
JobPrimers Recruitment System is a Seamless Process for Organizations and Job Seekers

JobPrimers recruitment process removes the burden of recruitment and Job search while reducing costs by a huge margin.
Employees are the true assets of organizations, as an organization is only as strong as its people. Hiring the right employee enhances work culture and pays employers back a thousand times over in high employee morale, accomplishment of challenging goals, and enhancing business productivity and success. Employees are investment that Companies make for a better Company, but as is the normal course, there are problems in the recruitment and selection process.
According to Glassdoor, 76% of hiring managers admit attracting the right job candidates is their greatest challenge.
The common challenges faced by Hiring Managers include;
1. The Need to Make Quick Hire
One of the major struggles that the recruiters these days encounter is the need to hire in a very short span of time.
Hiring teams want to hire as fast as possible, because vacant positions delay operations and costs money. Yet, depending on the industry, making a right hire with the traditional approach can take longer period, thus putting pressure on recruiters and frustrating hiring teams.
2. Screening Large Applications
The sifting of multitude of profiles for a few Roles is one of the major challenges in the recruitment and selection process. With the traditional approach, Hiring Managers find it difficult to organize data in an efficient and streamlined way, thus making sorting and tracking of data and trends tedious.
3. Selecting the Right Candidate
According to Career Builder Research, 74% of employers admit they have hired the wrong person for a position. Now, more than ever, organizations are realizing that their success relies on the quality of their employees, as hiring the wrong employees has far negative implications for any organization.
Bad hires cost organizations a lot, whether they decide to fire them out rightly, or keep them for some time. Asides from the cost of replacement, a bad hire can damage company’s reputation, increase turnover, lower overall morale and productivity and lead to loss of clients.
These problems associated with bad hire have made it clear for companies that they need to hire better. Yet, employers are battling with the challenge of hiring the best candidates.
Our Solution
The right candidates are available and can be hired using an efficient hiring tool; JobPrimers Recruitment Systems (JRS).
What is JobPrimers?
JobPrimers is a Staff Recruitment Platform that allows verified Employers to post job vacancies and receive applications of most qualified candidates based on their criteria/requirements while prospective applicant can apply for jobs, write timed computer-based testing with real-time results thereafter they are recommended for employment while unsuccessful applicants are offered employability skills courses to better prepare them for other opportunities.
JobPrimers Recruitment System streamlines hiring process by making it possible for hiring team to collaborate and keep all candidate data in one place.
Its unique features and benefits include it’s;
- Built-in templates, which makes it easy for employers to post job ads.
- CV builder which makes it easy for employers to collect vital applicants’ information and sort large application data, thus helping them stay organized.
- AI powered ATS that cut the time spent on screening CVs and sorting applications by 99%. It helps HR narrow their applicant pool by automatically surfacing and highlighting top candidates that meet HR Requirements.
- Technical, Aptitude and Personality (TAP) test system which helps employers evaluate skills and abilities of applicants, and ranks candidates according to job specific requirement.
- Scheduling tools and calendar integrations, which helps employer schedule interviews fast and minimize back-and-forth communications.
- Interview scorecards, which makes the shift towards structured interviews smoother.
- Time Rewarding User Experience: Employers and candidates alike find it simple to use the features, making job applications and hiring a rewarding experience for all.
The JobPrimers Recruitment Approach
The Recruiters Mandates
Before any Job role is listed on the platform, the Recruiter must state his mandate or criteria which will be used as a basis to determine the suitable candidates for the advertised job role. This mandate is based on the following;
- Gender
- Age
- Religion
- State of Origin
- Complexion
- Height
- Course of Study
- Grade Level
- Experience Level
- Professional Certification
- Additional Skills
Candidate Assessment Approach
Candidates are assessed through Job-Specific Technical Test and customized/In-build Aptitude and Personality Tests.
1. Technical Test
The marketplace is certainly competitive and for roles requiring experienced and highly qualified personnel, it’s important to get it right. The JobPrimers Technical Tests are role-based assessments designed to understand candidate’s technical abilities, including their skill sets and responses to specific technical problems. It involves evaluating applicant’s domain expertise and job knowledge to determine their suitability for specific roles
2. Aptitude Test
The JobPrimers Aptitude Test is used to determine an individual’s employability skill or propensity to success in a given activity. The tests assume that individuals have inherent strengths and weaknesses, and have a natural inclination towards success or failure in specific areas based on their innate characteristics. These tests are broken down into four (4) major categories;
- English
- Arithmetic
- Intelligence
3. Personality Test
Today, the key to successful hiring is to be able to predict future success to make the right hiring decisions. Studies have shown that job experience and qualifications alone only allow predicting job performance with 16% accuracy, whereas the combination of cognitive ability and personality allows 78% accuracy in future performance prediction (Frank L. Schmidt, 2016).
As such, screening candidates based on their CV, and abilities is not enough to drive the selection process. Personality is a scientifically-proven predictor of job performance and assessing the candidates’ behavioural tendencies in a work environment allows recruiters to understand whether they will, in fact, be top performers and whether they’ll the culture of the company.
JobPrimers Recruitment System (JRS) has been designed to measure the characteristic patterns of traits that people exhibit across various situations. The amazing solution about the platform is that it can help identify suitable applicants who have great personality skills and will contribute positively to workplace success
With JobPrimers, Employers are rest assured of hiring right efficiently!