Essential Tips to Building a Healthy Mind for Happy Living
Building a healthy mind is important to a happy and successful living.
Your mind may be considered healthy when you are self-aware and able to manage your emotions and behavior without losing your sense or resorting to substance abuse. People with a healthy mindset think positively, they are goal-oriented and they maintain an active lifestyle.
How then do you build a healthy mind?
The truth is that You are Simply What it Takes to Build a Healthy Mind!
When you change the way you think, you change the way you feel; When you change the way you feel, you change the way you act; and when you change the way you act, you change your life. It starts by changing the way you…….!”
David D. Burns
The moral of the quote is that we are a product of our thoughts. The way our lives turn out is all dependent on the way we think. People who think positively are usually more energetic and active than those who think negatively. Positive thinking assures you that everything will be alright; it gives you the assurance that your aspiration will come to pass and inspires you to achieve more than you could have imagined. By adopting a positive mindset, you easily get rid of sad emotions and subsequently become happy.
Be mindful of what you feed the mind.

The mind is similar to a vacuum cleaner; it feeds on anything it perceives. The same way the food we eat becomes nutrition for our body, the things we perceive with our sense organs become nutrition for our minds. Our mind interprets the world around us based on what we see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. If you keep those inputs healthy, you’ll have a healthy mind. Therefore, you should seek and listen to positive things that encourage you, make you feel good and optimistic, and make you want to be more productive.
In addition, building a healthy mind requires you to; eat healthily, get enough sleep, exercise frequently, keep your mind active, meditate often, and learn new things. Most importantly, do not let external factors influence you negatively!
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May 21, 2021 @ 8:29 am
We will undoubtedly achieve the happy living if we can control our thoughts and acts.