Women’s Participation in Building an Inclusive and Sustainable Post – Covid Economy

Empowering African Women for Impact

The significance of Women’s Participation in Building an Inclusive and Sustainable Post – Covid Economy can not be over -emphasized. The pandemic has a negative effect on women. The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly changed our world and the past year has been challenging for Women.

Women’s Participation in Building an Inclusive and sustainable Economy

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a massive global economic downturn and affected every area of our lives. I from health, education, social relations, jobs, to financial security. People worldwide are worried about the future and level of abject poverty is at all-time high. The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly changed our world and the past year has been challenging for many.

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a massive global economic downturn and affected every area of our lives, from health, education, social relations, jobs, to financial security. People worldwide are worried about the future and level of abject poverty is at all-time high. The Covid-19 has increased Gender inequalities. Vaccines are bringing hope, the pandemic and its challenges are far from over.

African Women Conference in Rwanda

According to Women 20 (W20) to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (July 14, 2020), Women contribute 37 per cent of the global GDP. Women’s care work, including unpaid work generate USD 11 trillion globally (9 per cent of global GDP).  Deploying women’s full potential is critical to economic recovery.

AWC RWANDA 2021 AFRICA WOMEN’S CONFERENCE promises to be revealing, educative, inspiring and informative on women’s participation in building an inclusive and sustainable post – covid economy. There will be discussions on Leveraging on digital connectivity for post-covid recovery and wealth building; Women participating in reducing the tide of violent conflicts and insurgency in Africa; Improving Women’s leadership access through connectivity and global value chain; Inclusive global economic growth: Empowering women for impact. The conference will be holding for the 22nd to 27th November, 2021.

Registration  is at www.africa-womenconference.org. For more information, visit .africa-womenconference.org. Telephone numbers are: +2348065388424