What are the Beautiful Secrets of Happy Couples?
What are the beautiful secrets of happy couples? Without delay, let’s hits the nail on the head!
1. They make their spouses know they are loved.
Different people have different ways of understanding love. You must learn your partner’s love language so that you can express your love for them in a way that matters to them.
I, for instance, feel most loved when my partner shows care for me. My partner on the other hand feels most loved when I compliment him. With an understanding of this, we express love to ourselves in a way that matters most.
On the contrary, someone whose love language is receiving gift will most likely feel less loved if their partner expresses love to them with compliments all the time rather than showering them with gifts. Therefore, to build a happy and strong relationship, it is important to understand that different people have different love languages; hence you should know your partner’s love language and express love to them in a way that matters to them.
2. They spare time for fun.

If you can’t have fun and enjoy your partner, you’re not going to be very happy in the relationship. If you lack fun ideas to spark up your relationship, you could seek advice from friends who do, but be sure your partner would like those ideas.
Thanks to a Marriage network (WhatsApp group) I joined lately, “kuddies Secret”, I have learned so many fun activities that have been making my relationship more exciting.
Fun activities in a marital relationship could include playing games, going on adventures, making enough time for sexual intimacy, among many others.
3. They easily diffuse tension to avoid escalating issues.

Fights and disagreements are inevitable between couples.
However, when happy couples have arguments, misunderstandings, or fights, they tend to diffuse tension with humor, expressing affection or conceding to certain points their partners make.
Unhappy couples on the other hand act defensively and take pride in saying they will never be the first to apologize to their partners, and then they tune out for days.
4. They support each other.

Gone are the days when taking care of the home chore is considered the sole responsibility of a woman, and financing the home is considered the sole responsibility of the man. Happy couples do not take pride in assisting one another. Rather, they connect emotionally, give listening ears to each other’s problems, render meaningful support and celebrate each other’s success.
5. They accept each other for who they are.

Happy couples do not nag over the imperfections of their spouses, rather they accept them for who they are. Being with someone who sees your imperfections as part of your uniqueness is a gift that makes every day a little more fun. It’s so much easier to let our guards loose and have fun when we feel celebrated for all of our imperfections and weirdness.
6. They respect each other’s family.

As long as you are together, you will have to deal with each other’s family. Happy couples show respect for each other’s family; they love and stand for them genuinely. Unhappy couples, on the other hand, take sides with their own family; they dislike helping out their partner’s relatives and are disrespectful to them.
Before you say or do anything to your spouse’s parents or family, consider whether you would be happy if those things are directed to your family from your spouse. If the answer is no, then avoid them.
7. They have trust in each other.
Being truthful can be very bitter but happy couples stay truthful to one another because they understand and love each other.
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May 21, 2021 @ 8:22 am
In order to be happy in a marriage we must be happy first. That is, in fact, the key to a successful Marriage.