The Life of a Job Seeker: Episode 15
Episode 15: Fake Life
On a cool Friday evening, Kobi, Faruq, and Sophia were playing Ludo under a large mango tree in their compound when their next-door neighbour, Sabinus came to them with some news.
“Guys, a new farm, called EM Farms is hiring for a variety of positions. You guys should apply and stop…… As he was speaking, Sophia interjected; “Apply to a farm? So as to be cutting grass or what?”
Sighing wearily, Sabinus responded bringing out a flyer; “no now! it’s not the kind of farm you think. It’s a very large commercial farm and as you can see the advertised positions include, Farm Manager, Business Administrator, Accountant, Procurement Officer, Quality Control Officer, among others. If no be say I no finish school, I for don apply because na graduate dem dey find”.
When the 3 saw that it was a good opportunity, they agreed to submit their applications.
Sabinus responded; “if you like don’t go on time, I already shared the opportunity with other neighbours, if dem first una get the job, na una sabi”
During the weekend, the 3 friends drafted their applications. Kobi aimed for the position of Quality Control Officer, Faruq aimed for Procurement Officer, while Sophia aimed for the role of Business Administrator.
EM Farms
The following morning, they wore their best outfits and set out for EM Farms to submit their applications, while Sabinus baby-sat Favour at home. The building was looking very small from the outside. At the reception, they were welcomed by the secretary who informed them that they would take turns to see the CEO in his office.
Sophia was the first to be ushered to CEO’s office. She couldn’t believe her eyes, when she saw the CEO. Guess who he was?

It was Emeka, her school mate and friend who dropped out of school at 200 level. “Emeka! Don’t tell me you own this company”, Sophia enquired. Of course, it’s mine Emeka responded. “You know na, as I was very broke that year, and couldn’t afford school, I kuku dropped out and started my farming business and God has been fateful. In fact, I have other branches in Enugu, and Owerri. This branch was newly opened, and am trying to employ more hands to manage the business efficiently as I will be shuttling between places”.
So how is life and your work? How is Kobi and our other friends? he asked”
The Lies

Rather than being truthful about their condition, Sophia lied; “Well I am working with erm…. First Bank, Kobi is working at an Oil company, and Faruq is working with a school. I have lost contact with others. I actually came here to inquire about your chickens, as I am interested in buying plenty chickens for…for a…. for a friend’s wedding, she stuttered.
Emeka responded to her false enquiries and sought to take her on a tour around the farm. Knowing that Emeka could see Kobi and Faruq on their way out, she hastily sent them a text message explaining the lies she told and pleading that they leave immediately.
But Faruq and Kobi missed their way on their way out, and they bumped into Emeka and Sophia.
Immediately, Sophia exclaimed, acting surprised; “so, you guys still came here to make inquiries about the fishes for Titi’s wedding…I told you I was going to handle it na…. She turned to Emeka saying, we live in the same estate, and the person getting married is our friend in the estate.
Perplexed, Kobi and Faruq played along. They exchanged pleasantries, and together, they embarked on the tour around the farm.
The Tour

They were mesmerized by the size, structure, and aesthetics of the farm. The building that appeared very small from the outside was actually very large inside. It was a prosperous farm that spanned up to 8 hectares of land, with sophisticated machineries, diverse varieties of farm animals, and vegetation flourishing in various regions.
They were stunned and wished they could go back in time and untell their lies so that they can be considered for a job in the farm. But, having begun with lies, they had no choice but to continue uttering lies in various forms and sizes.
While Emeka was seeing them off, his beautiful wife drove into the premises with their cute 2-year-old son, and yet, Sophia handed the baby N2,000 that they should have managed in a bid to live up to her lies. When Emeka asked where their cars were packed, they lied that their cars were packed far away and urged Emeka to return with his family.
The Regret
As the 3 friends walked, Kobi expressed his dissatisfaction about the lies Sophia made them tell. “This could have been a good opportunity for us, but you ruined it with your lies. Why on earth did you lie in the first place? He asked.
In a sad tune, Sophia responded, “I couldn’t bring myself to tell Emeka the dropout, Emeka the one-trouser guy who relied on us for aid back then in school, that despite our degrees, we are broke and jobless”
I never imagined that his farm could be so great until we took the tour around it. If I knew it was that porch, I wouldn’t have lied. Faruq was rather amazed as to how Emeka was able to pull up such big success within the space of 8 years that he dropped out of school.
Life indeed is not balanced, otherwise, why should a drop-out be the one employing graduates, he wondered.
When the guys returned home, they couldn’t tell Sabinus what actually happened.They lied that their application submissions went well and they are waiting to hear from the company.
They found out a week later that one of their neighbours, who Sabinus had also shared the job advert with, had gotten a job as a Business Administrator at Emeka’s farm and was offered a starting salary of N185,000 monthly.
Lesson 10: Never live a fake life with pride. It will only push away your helpers.
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