How to Effectively Carryout the Act of Reflection
To effectively carry out the act of reflection is to think deeply, and fairly analyze a situation or something that has happened in the past in order to gain better insight, or make better decisions. As humans, it is natural that memories of the past flash through our heads from time to time. However, it is not enough that we only embrace those moments we get the memory flashes. We should set out quality time to deeply reflect on our past to reap the great benefits of reflecting.
To get the best out of reflecting, the following should be considered:
1. Avoid distraction
To avoid distraction, we must choose a quiet and conducive environment to reflect in. We should also consider wearing comfortable dresses as feeling comfortable in our cloth allows us to be attentive without the distraction from feeling hot, cold, squeezed, or out of breath.
2. Don’t be bias
While some memories can be so beautiful that we wish to cling on to them forever, some can be so unpleasant that we wish to erase them and others can just be neutral.
Many times, I smile to myself when I look back and remember the pleasant events of the year 2020 such as the fun and funny moments I had with friends, my great achievements, and so on. However, my mood suddenly changes when unpleasant memories flash through my head like the memories of; losing a loved one; disappointment; and so on. Sometimes, I wish I could just scrub those memories away. However, my moments of reflecting have thought me that, all events whether good or bad come with lessons and benefits if only we would reflect on them.
Think through the different experiences you have had, whether positive, neutral, or negative. Appreciate your success, identify your time of failures, but don’t suck or dwell excessively over the unpleasant times.
Key areas you should consider when reflecting include:
- Moments you were most happy and the moment you weren’t- Identify what led to those moments. Would you like to experience the happy occasions again? What do you need to do for the happy moments to reoccur and what should you avoid to prevent the unhappy events from reoccurring?
- Your time of success- Identify your successes and ask yourself questions like; What led to the achievement of these successes? What were my strengths? How can I harness these strengths to achieve greater success in the year 2021?
- The time you didn’t meet up to your expectations– Identify those times and ask yourself; what led to those situations? What were your weaknesses or the reasons things didn’t go as you wanted? Try to figure out what could be done better and how.
- Your virtues and moral attitude- Were your virtues and moral attitudes okay? What virtues and attitudes were helpful to your success? Which virtues and moral attitude should you hold on to and which should you discard?
3. Set future goals
To set future goals, identify what you want to; keep; improve; and achieve. Carefully analyze your previously set goals. Were they realistic enough? How far did you get in achieving them? Identify the strategies that worked. Would the same strategies work for your newly set goals? Those that didn’t work out, why didn’t they? Identify and set goals on what needs to change for you to be more successful.
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