To build good networks means to create and maintain relationships with relevant people in diverse fields, and positions. A healthy network can benefit you with potential referrals in your industry; and boost the growth of your career a bit faster.
Here are 4 ways to build good networks that work:
Search from within.
Recognize your valuable associations and begin building relationships right away. Send a text to previous mentors, colleagues, and contacts. Inquire about their well-being; tell them what’s going on in your life; inquire about what’s “most going on” in their lives. Maintaining good relationships with them allows you to benefit from their industry expertise, credibility, and connections; which would otherwise take you years to develop.
Attend networking events.
Attending networking conventions or trade shows is one of the simplest ways to begin expanding the professional network. Since networking events are specifically designed for people of common interests to come together and discuss their interests; this is an ideal opportunity for you and your network to grow.
Share opportunities and resources with relevant people.
Nothing beats a networking opportunity for business and development. You can form strong bonds with others by sharing an opportunity or idea that may not be beneficial to you, but will be to your connection. When you bring value to someone’s life, you will form deep bonds with them, and they will also like to reciprocate.
Stay in touch.
Building a good network requires cultivating relationships through a friendly approach and staying in contact with people. Show your networks you care and appreciate their effort through messages, phone calls, visitation, etc. An individual you’ve known for 10 years but haven’t spoken to in that time is no longer a member of your network, and therefore will not invest in your plans. On the other hand, someone you met three months ago and has contacted twice will more likely invest in your plans.
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April 30, 2021 @ 12:42 pm
It is beneficial to develop one’s network because such networks would undoubtedly be of great assistance and contribution to a person’s career development and progress in the future.
April 30, 2021 @ 1:09 pm
As a team member is also good to shows your appreciation and kindness.