How to Adorn a Bathroom Slippers with Beads at Your Leisure
Bathroom slippers, as the name implies, are a type of footwear that is only intended to be worn in the bathroom. Therefore, they are typically placed at the bathroom’s entrance to avoid confusion with others that may be worn within or outside the home.
Slippers designed specifically for use in the bathroom may be a foreign concept to you, especially if you are used to wearing your shoes around the house. However, bathroom slippers are more common than you might think, and you’ll be surprised to learn that you can adorn and make them fanciful.
In addition, it will interest you to know that the process is quite easy and doesn’t cost much. Hence, a good knowledge of how to adorn slippers with bead can serve as a source of income for you if you commercialize it.
Items needed:







1st Step: Cut out a reasonable quantity of string
2nd Step: Fix the string to your needle and then knot the end
3rd Step: Pass the stringed needle through one end of the slippers strap
4th Step: Pass the bead through needle and fasten to the strap
5th Step: Continue the process until the entire slippers strap has been covered with bead as desired.
6th Step: Pass the stopper bead through the string and fasten to the strap, then clamp with presser to prevent the bead from loosening.
These are examples of finished product.
As seen from the finish product above, adorning bathroom slippers with beads make them colorful and very beautiful. The question is, after adorning them with beads, would you still wear them to the bathroom?
For more info call: 08035497138
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June 21, 2021 @ 4:35 pm
thanks for the lesson