Basic Course
What you will learn;
- Work effectively on the computer desktop using icons and windows,
- Apply advanced text, paragraphs, columns and table formatting,
- Use linking and embedding features to integrate
data, - Enhance productivity by using fields, forms, and
templates, - Work with referencing features like footnotes,
endnotes, and captions.
- 2 months of instructor-led practical-based learning,
- 2 Packages (Computer Essentials & Word Processing); 6 modules of an interactive learning experience,
- 80% practical, 10% lecture, and 10% project-based approach.
Standard Course
What you will learn;
In addition to the Basic Course Curriculum, you will learn how to;
- Enhance a presentation using built-in drawing and
image tools., - Work with custom slide shows and apply slide
show settings. Use presenter view and control a slide show, - Apply advanced chart formatting features and
create and edit diagrams, - Insert audio and video, create audio and screen
recordings, and apply built-in animation features.
- 4 months of instructor-led practical-based learning,
- 3 packages (Computer Essentials, Word Processing & PowerPoint Presentation); 10 modules of an interactive learning experience,
- 80% practical, 10% lecture, and 10% project-based approach.
Advanced Course
What you will learn;
In addition to the Basic and Standard Course Curriculum, you will learn how to;
- Use functions; logical, statistical, financial and
mathematical operations, - Apply advanced formatting; conditional formatting and customised number formatting,
- Work with tables and lists to analyse, filter and sort
data, - Send, receive e-mails, and manage email settings
- 6 months of instructor-led practical-based learning,
- 5 packages (Spreadsheet, Online Essentials, and packages covered in Standard Course); 21 modules of an interactive learning experience,
- 80% practical, 10% lecture, and 10% project-based approach.