The Virtues for Self-Growth
Virtues are universal moral habits, widely recognized as good character traits. Some might say that virtuous qualities are innate or developed early in life; but you can also learn and cultivate virtues so that they become more prevalent and habitual in your daily life. By practicing virtues every day, you can build and live a purposeful and value-driven life. Before adapting the virtues for self-growth, you must identify the ingredients for personal growth. This will help you answer the question, why you need to grow?

The Virtues for Self-Growth
They say change is the only constant thing but I dare to add that growth is indeed constant but sometimes happens so quickly that we do not notice; but for a fact, change is indeed directly proportional to growth. Our ability to plan affects every part of our lives including growth. If we do not plan our growth, our environment will and we may not like the path in which it directs. Understanding and implementing the 7 virtues for self growth will not only make you aware of your growth process but keep you in charge.

Self-growth Cycle
Implementing the 7 virtues for self-growth would mean that you have an understanding of the self-growth cycle.
1. Define
You may have been moving in a certain direction or towards a certain goal, but it no longer feels right. Or perhaps you haven’t really been moving forward, but have been drifting without purpose or intention. Growth is a definite processes; therefore, you must define your path and purpose.
2. Align
Once you’ve made steps to defining the goal or vision for the new version of who you seek to become; in areas of work, and life in general, you need to take steps to align to your desired path or purpose. after which comes the flow stage.
3. Flow
Flow is the phase where things feel like they are happening with greater ease, less friction and where you are are totally in ‘the zone’. The define and align phases are where you put in the works; however, similar to planning, the define and align stages helps you have a great flow stage.
4. Grow
Our experiences require us to try, learn, and understand new things and parts of ourselves. It is in flowing that we experience and our experiences are parts and parcel of the growth process.
5. Evolve
Through periods of flow and growth, something begins to shift. It’s not just about learning and doing and understanding new things, we actually shift our ‘Being’. The fundamental nature of who we are transforms and we are somehow different. With this change, our needs change.; our desires change; therefore, the process of growth begins with define for this new phase.
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