Tips for Successful Job Search

In today’s competitive job market, the most successful job seekers are those who utilize the strategies highlighted below;

1. Have a clear path

You should have an insight into what you want, the path you want to take, and then create a framework that will serve as your guide.

2. Rebrand yourself

Your personal branding is important both online and offline. You have to create that image of professionalism as a job seeker, you have to portray yourself as being responsible and someone with integrity. A wise man once said, “What you post and share online reflects your thoughts and your beliefs.” So make sure you use social media positively, and any image you ‘re portraying should be who you really are.

3. Have a positive attitude

Having a positive outlook is very important because it subdues despair and frustration.

4. Search for the right jobs

When searching for jobs online, use keywords that reflect your interest and your desired work location. This will provide you with relevant job listings.

5. Know your target job market

In order to have a successful job search, you need to have a target industry (sector) in sight. Having a clear area of interest will help you study the companies/organizations of your interest. This research is valuable in so many ways; it gives you insight into what they are doing, their successes and failures, and what benefit you can bring to their organization.

6. Structure your Resume and Cover letter to suit your desired job

Your resume and cover letter should be tailored to the job you plan to apply for.

7. Have a LinkedIn profile

Every job seeker should have a professional LinkedIn profile. Experts advise that you use your name for the URL as this will make you rank high on google when prospective employers search for you online.

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