3 Tips on How to Love Yourself
The idea of loving yourself might sound a little cheesy, but hey, it’s very important. Society often tells it’s important to be selfless: to take care of others, put loved ones first, and to give whatever and whenever you can. These messages are not wrong but the problem comes when you prioritize taking care of others above caring for ourselves.
The concept of self-love is simple: the first step in learning to love yourself is understanding the meaning of self-love. Think of it in the context of the love you have for your partner or a close friend. You are aware of their flaws but appreciate how those imperfections make up the person. Now turn all that compassion, forgiveness and understanding inward.
“Self-love means accepting your strengths, your weakness and everything in between”
Hannah Elise Rose
When you have self-love, you can acknowledge your mistakes and work towards changing them or making amends, and most importantly forgive yourself.
Besides, a lack of self-love can adversely affect your well-being. Research has shown that low self-esteem is correlated with depression and poorer mental and physical health overall.
However, if you are finding it difficult loving yourself, here are few tips that will help:
1. Work on building your confidence and self-esteem
You need to work on yourself if you are lacking inner confidence. This takes time, but the rewards are worth it. Every time you think negatively about yourself, counter that thought with a positive one, or when you feel a negative thought coming on, list out things that you are appreciative of. Analyze your body language too then try and smile always (even if it means faking it), it will make you feel better.
2. Don’t compare yourself to anyone
Comparison is a killer of happiness. Carry on with what you are doing regardless of what paths others are treading. Each individual’s footprints are unique, Be Strong! Be Kind! and find your path in life.
3. Surround yourself with people who makes you feel good about yourself
It is time to ditch people who don’t make you feel good about yourself. If you spend time with someone and you come away feeling down about yourself, I hate to break it to you, but they aren’t no friend. It’s time to evaluate who you give your precious time to. Choose Wisely! Be Picky. You only have one life, and you have to fill it with people who truly love and care for you.
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