Effective Ways to Deal with Anxiety Naturally
Anxiety is a natural response to danger. It is a feeling of worry or fear characterized by a pounding pulse, sweaty hands, and restlessness. When you feel threatened, your body’s automatic flight response is activated.
In moderation, anxiety isn’t a negative thing; it may help you remain alert and concentrated, as well as inspire you to solve problems. However, if your anxiety is intense and debilitating, and your concerns and fears are interfering with your relationships and everyday life, you’ve most likely crossed the line from normal anxiety into an anxiety disorder. In the worst case, uncontrolled anxiety can lead to depression, poor physical and mental health.
If you find yourself drowning in anxiety, I have got good news for you! You can deal with it naturally on your own.
Here are 3 natural ways to deal with anxiety:
1. Practice deep breathing.
The breath is a good indicator of your level of anxiousness. Anxiety is shown by short, shallow breaths. One of the wellness tips for dealing with anxiety is to practice deep breathing. Lengthening and strengthening the breath sends signals to the brain that it’s safe to relax. You can deal with anxiety if you can learn the art of deep breathing.
2. Understand the thoughts behind your anxiety and divert your attention from them.
You should understand that anxiety is just a feeling and that feeling can be replaced with another. Whenever you begin to feel anxious, do well to identify and shrink the negative imaginations causing you to fear and worry; and increase the intensity of positive imaginations in your mind.
For example, if you begin to feel anxious in an event where you have to address a massive audience, you should first try to understand the cause of your anxiousness. If for instance, you realize that you are anxious because you keep imagining the negative consequences of giving a poor address, rather than dwelling on those negative thoughts, be positive. Think of how impressed your audience will be with an awesome address; think of how happy you will be as well; you could even think of positive things outside your upcoming event. Positive thoughts kill negative feelings that spur anxiety.
3. Face your fears repeatedly.
Avoiding fears only makes them scarier. If you felt very anxious addressing a massive audience today, it’s best to get back and address another massive audience tomorrow and many days after. By repeatedly doing what you fear or worry about, your level of anxiety will begin to fade, and you will become comfortable doing them.
It may not be easy, but with determination, you can overcome anxiety.
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April 16, 2021 @ 12:09 pm
Anxiety awakenings one to be more alert, and determined to getting problems solved